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Raverz Commandments
- * Thou shalt not kill the atmosphere with overt sex on the dance floor.
- * Thou shall offer gum, candy, and most importantly WATER to those raving nearest thou
- * Thou shall not covet thy neighbors glowstick, niether his nitrous ballon, nor his ecstacy, nor his spot on the dance floor
- * Thou shalt not holdest a 40 while dancing, for the other ravers shall not hold him guiltless, who wields a Colt 45 on the dance-floor.
- * Thou shalt not covert thy neighbors glowsticks, neither his nitrous balloon, nor his ecstasy, nor his spot on the dance floor.
- * Thou shalt not holdest thy cigarette while catching a groove on the dance floor. For the other ravers might suffer burning flesh wounds or ruined rave gear.
- * Thou shall smile at the gentlemen or lady moving to the beat nearest to thou
- * Thou shalt not upset the holy Technics by jumping near or on the DJ.
- * Thou shall not play gabber in chill room
- * Thou shalt wear extra deoderant so as not to offend thy neighybor's nose
- * Thou shall blow thy party whistle and wave thine hands in the air when the music lifts thine spirit
- * Thou shall announce all disc jockeys prior to their appearance
- * Thou shall provide free fruit so as to replenish the thirst and hunger of thy bretheren ravers
- * Thou shalt wear extra deoderant so as not to offend thy neighbors nose.
- * Thou shalt use smoke so as to better envelope thy fellow ravers.
- * Thou shall open some door so as to allow the winds of freshness to cool thy congregation.
- * Thou shalt offer gum, candy and most importantly WATER to those raving maniacs with whom thou cometh in contact.
- * Thou shalt not touch thine mouth to thine neighbors water bottle, as plague and virus thus spread rapidly throughout the community.
- * Thou shalt not grimace nor act angry when bumped by a passer-by, but smile and say: "no problemo"
- * Thou shalt blow thy party whistle and wave thine hands in the are when the music lifts thine spirit.
- * Thou shalt not pass out chemical concoctions of thine own invention to fellow ravers. Only those tried and true chemical combinations that have been accepted by ravers since time immemorial shalt thou pass out.
- * Thou shalt not scam thy fellow raver.
Sourced: https://web.archive.org/web/20090728041003/http://geocities.com/kandy_kid_with_plur/ and https://web.archive.org/web/20091022060031/http://geocities.com/kand_e_kid20/commandments.html
What is P.L.U.R.?
RAVERS MANIFESTO https://web.archive.org/web/20091022095943/http://geocities.com/kandiekiddies/manifesto.html
RAVING IS... https://web.archive.org/web/20091022025937/http://geocities.com/kandiekiddies/ravingis.html
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other ravestuff pages
ravers dictionary https://web.archive.org/web/20091021212120/http://geocities.com/kandiekiddies/general.html
what kind of a raver are you? https://web.archive.org/web/20091022073032/http://geocities.com/kandiekiddies/watkind.html
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